It comes with all the tools and products to lift your lashes. Making it simple to lift your lashes at the convenience of your home. Added with comprehensive how-to-use material for a beautiful and correct way of lift.
3 Simple Ways to Get Perfect Curl
Does it cause irritation or allergic reactions?
No, however we recommend to always do patch test before trying it out.
Is the kit easy to use for beginners?
Yes it is. Actually all the videos you have seen above are all first time users, and If you want to learn more how more how beginners use it you can check our Instagram.
Are detailed instructions included for proper application?
Yes! We have included a HOW TO USE in our kit however if you wanted for more comprehensive feel free to heck it here. (Lash Lift Tutorial)
How long does the lash lift typically last?
Our lash lift kit lasts up 8 weeks. But, with extensive proper care of your lash lift it can lasts longer than that.